American Update: It takes Two, Baby! Dynamic Duets from Marvel Team-Up, Marvel Two-In-One and Super-Villain Team-Up
*Marvel: Launched in 1972 as an ingenious copyright-saving legal trick, Marvel Team-Up paired Spider-Man (or occasionally the Human Torch) with other luminaries from the Marvel Universe, giving each of the guest-stars his or her own comic with their logo on the front, thereby assuring the legal bods that they’d been ‘published’, and asserting Marvel’s right to the character. likeness and logo. It was a cute legal trick with an unexpected benefit; because the overwhelming majority of the stories were done in one issue, to clear the field for the next guest, readers could pick up an issue of MTU and enjoy it without having to commit to the continued stories which, even then, were Marvel’s trademark. In short order, Marvel Team-Up was followed by Marvel Two-In-One, where the Fantastic Four’s Thing met, fought beside, and often fought against other Marvel super-stars. Both series lasted a healthy 100 or more issues, with Annuals and Specials. Continuing the dynamic duo theme, we also refresh Super-Villain Team-Up this update; a shorter-lived title than the other two, it also had more of a ‘story arc’ structure, as Doctor Doom and the Sub-Mariner battled each other, then kissed and made up before turning their attention to conquering the Marvel Universe. Our replenished stock of Marvel Team-Up spans from #16 to #144, highlights including issue #95, where Bobbi Morse premiered her new costumed identity of Mockingbird, and the Frank-Miller illustrated #100, which introduced the mutant called Karma. Our run of Marvel Team-Up goes from #2 to #34, with two sensational second appearances: the Guardians of the Galaxy in issue #5, having languished in limbo for half a decade since Marvel Super-Heroes #18 and #30, with the second appearance of Spider-Woman following her debut in Marvel Spotlight #32. Finally, our Super-Villain team-Up top-up commences with #5, featuring the debut of the sinister Shroud, and includes Giant-Size Super-Villain Team-Up #1 & #2, the extra-length issues which actually pre-date the ongoing series.