American Update: Mighty Marvel Firsts: Journey Into Mystery #98 – Thor Vs. The Human Cobra
*Marvel: An attractive early Thor issue, before he took over the title of his parent comic Journey Into Mystery, issue #98 sees the debut of the Human Cobra (later King Cobra), a long-running Marvel villain, usually seen teamed with Mr. Hyde or as a member of the Serpent Squadron. This villainous debut is an apparent FN; the colours are very vivid, with a tiny bit of fragility around the staple areas, but generally a very bright, fresh-appearing copy with minimal creasing at upper left corner. We do, however, suspect a trimmed right edge affecting the interior margins, although the page images are untouched. We’ve taken this into account regarding the pricing, so this otherwise superior pence copy is on sale at £50. SORRY, THIS HAS NOW SOLD