American Update: New Mutants #87 – Get Cable!
*Marvel: … And a generation of lame jokes about television reception was launched. Issue #87 of the ‘junior X-Men’ series, New Mutants, saw the first full appearance (he’d stuck his face in for a foreboding panel or two the issue previously) of Cable, the time-travelling man of mystery. Who was he, really? What was his agenda? What the hell were his powers, again? Some of these questions would be answered more promptly than others (apart from the Big Gun & Mullet ensemble, I still to this day don’t know what his skill set comprised…), but he stuck around to become the leader of the New Mutants, then, after that series’ cancellation, honcho of X-Force, and star of several solo series. Currently, he’s co-starring in the second Deadpool movie (rumours of Jennifer Saunders interpreting the role are sadly exaggerated…), so his star is ever-rising! This lovely VF+ p copy of New Mutants #87 is on sale at £85.