American Update: Planet Comics #7
*Miscellaneous 1940-1959: “Weird Adventures on Other Worlds!” was the strapline on early issues of Fiction Houses’ Planet Comics, and by Cracky they delivered in the early issues, a thick 64-page format bursting with derring-do in distant galaxies! New in this update, #7, from 1940, with, yes, tape on the spine, centrefold and cover edge, but lovely clean interior pages featuring endless variations on the Flash Gordon tag – ‘Flint Baker’, ‘Buzz Crandall, ‘Spurt Hammond’ – yes, we know – as well as more imaginative fare such as the Red Comet, Fero Interplanetary Detective, and Auro Lord of Jupiter! Fiction House was originally a pulp magazine publisher, and their roots are still very present here, with mighty-thewed heroes, wilting damsels in distress, and dastardly aliens galore! #7 FA/GD £150.