American Update: Showcase Editions – DC Horror/Mystery Classics!
*Modern Reprints: Paperback collections of the very best of DC’s late-60’s horror/mystery revival, which came to be a major aspect of their line in the 1970’s. House of Mystery, House of Secrets and the Witching Hour were in the forefront of innovation for a once-torpid genre. With stellar talents such as Gil Kane, Joe Orlando, Neal Adams, Berni Wrightson, Alex Toth and Gray Morrow, to name but a handful, these paperbacks collect 500 pages in each volume, and are now out of print. NM copies of House of Mystery Volumes 1-3, House of Secrets 1 & 2, and the one & only Witching Hour compilation newly in stock. Volume One of House of Secrets reprints #92, which was the first appearance of the Swamp Thing, an additional bonus for the discerning collector.