American Update: Slave Girl Princess #2 1949
*Miscellaneous 1940-1959: From 1949, Avon’s unique Slave Girl series lasted only two issues. Issue #1 was entitled Slave Girl Comics, and #2 Slave Girl Princess, which concerns us here. A beautiful fantasy/magical adventure following the trials of Malu, the Slave Girl in question and her paramour Garth with pirates, slavers, mongols and the like. Three linked Slave Girl stories in #2, accompanied by two further accomplished stories in the same genre. Excellent art on the Malu tales by Howard Larsen. Although ending on a cliff-hanger, only one further Malu adventure was published in Strange Worlds #3, which did not follow from this. A nice copy, with only fairly minor edge and handling wear, good tight staples and little creasing or nicks; some corner blunting and minor graffiti on Garth’s face on the cover, which does not spoil the cover image. Not too bad at all for a septuagenarian comic.