American Update: Spider-Mania Bonus: Superman Vs Spider-Man – Ground-Breaking Tabloid Crossover from 1976 NM
*DC/Marvel: In 1976, after some delicate negotiations, the two major publishers decided to pool their talents and create a team-up between their two iconic characters that proved too big for a regular-sized comic – so the tabloid-sized format, as seen in Marvel’s Treasury Editions and DC’s Limited Collectors’ Editions, was co-opted for this epic event! While Wizard of Oz is technically the first Marvel/DC co-production, that’s really just DC piggybacking onto a project Marvel had already produced, to avoid litigation (long story, Wiki it if you’re bothered). This was the first true collaboration between the titans of the comics industry, and it’s a tribute to the organisation involved that Superman and Spider-Man (as well as guest-villains Lex Luthor and Doctor Octopus) are note-perfect in this mega-sized saga. We have had several copies of this tabloid through our hands in our decades of trading, but this is the nicest: a cents copy, no pence price or overstamp, in immaculate Near Mint condition. On sale at £175. SORRY, THIS HAS NOW SOLD