American Update: Strange Tales with Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD from first to last, plus Dr Strange
*Marvel: Not every issue, but an impressive run of Strange Tales this week, commencing with #135 (1st SHIELD) and ending with #168 (final SHIELD, before Nick Fury and Dr Strange parted company into their own titles). Both strips in Strange Tales from this period offered different fare to Marvel’s traditional super-heroes, with the debut of Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD (Marvel’s answer to the James Bond/spy craze of the 1960s, initially by Jack Kirby, and later written and drawn by the sublime Jim Steranko) and the ongoing adventures of Dr Strange, Master Of The Mystic Arts (with art by Ditko, Severin, Everett and Adkins). This off-beat pairing is fondly remembered today as an outstanding period in this title’s long history. Full grading and pricing details as always in our catalogue.