American Update: The Atlas Explosion! Amazing Crime Series – Amazing Detective Cases and Amazing Mysteries
*Miscellaneous 1940-1959: Two short-run crime series from the company which would become Marvel this update. Amazing Detective Cases ran from #3 to #14, commencing in 1950. Amazing Mysteries has the distinction of carrying from the numbering of Sub-Mariner’s original series with #32 in 1949, and ending with #35. Both of these are ‘transitional’ titles, straddling the gap between Timely and Atlas comics, and as such are still finding their direction, but the key tropes of excessive violence and still more excessive verbiage are firmly in play. Five issues of Amazing detective Cases are new in between issues #5 to #10, including #8 FN £41 (pictured), and a single issue of Amazing Mysteries, the photo-cover #34.