American Update: The Atlas Explosion! Pre-Code Horror Mega-Fest continues with Adventures Into Terror
*Horror 1949-1959: An early entry in the Atlas Horror stakes, Adventures Into Terror launched with #43 (continuing from the defunct teen-humour title Joker Comics, which must have come as a bit of a jolt to subscribers) before switching to correct numbering with #3. We have ten of this famous Atlas series, from #3 to the final issue, #31, where, in 1954, it was cancelled along with a whole swathe of other horror titles with the advent of the Comics Code Authority. As an entirely pre-Code Title, Adventures Into Terror is now in high demand, and the covers on several of these issues are not only disturbing but beautifully drawn, with many showing off Bill Everett’s art at his finest. Other contributing artists include Maneely, Heath, Sinnott and Sekowsky. Illustrated are #13 GD- £50 and #31 GD/VG £75, but several others are lower grade and very affordable opportunities to sample this classic horror title.