American Update: The Good Doctor Collection/Spider-Mania: Amazing #7 with the Return of the Vulture
*Marvel: It’s not often in these modern times that a single digit numbered issue of Amazing Spider-Man turns up less than £300, but here’s one come along from the Good Doctor Collection right now. Amazing Spider-Man #7 features the return of the Vulture, one of Spidey’s earliest foes. This cents copy has plenty of flaws: spine roll, a loose centrefold, a small biro figure ‘6’ on the cover by the Vulture’s head, long vertical colour breaking cover crease and lots of similar smaller ones, edge wear and worn spine, ragged right edge pages, back cover tears and a small front cover tear bottom right; the most significant defect is a jagged finger-size section missing from the bottom of the spine (see scan). For all that, it is otherwise complete, the colours are good and the page quality acceptable. Certainly a great gap-filler for the budget conscious.