American Update: The Sensational Spider-Woman! Jessica Drew’s First Series Restocked
*Marvel: For a copyright-saving last-minute bodge-job (a TV company had announced an intention to create a Spider-Woman TV series), Jessica Drew, the Spider-Woman, had a surprisingly long and significant impact on the Marvel Universe – heck, despite having died, been erased from having existed (not quite the same thing in the MU) and having been replaced by two other title-holders, she’s still kicking! The early days of her series were characterised by an eerie atmosphere, equal parts horror and fairytale, with offbeat villains like the Needle, Gypsy Moth and the Brothers Grimm, and unusual guest-appearances by characters like the Shroud and Werewolf By Night; the latter part of her run, from #34 to #46, featured stunning art by Steve Leialoha, an ongoing ‘are you my mother?’ subplot with the Viper (formerly Madame Hydra) and many cross-overs with the X-Men universe, including the debut of Banshee’s daughter Siryn in #37. We have completely restocked Spider-Woman from issue#5 through to the final issue of her first series, #50, in attractive high grades, averaging FN/VF.