American Update: The World’s Greatest Super-Heroes! Justice League of America from #6 to #200, hugely restocked
*DC: In 1960, DC assembled its all-star team, a revival of the Golden Age Justice Society; the Justice League of America has been consistently one of DC’s strongest sellers, and never out of publication. We are delighted to welcome a massive update of the first series of this classic title, issue numbers ranging from #6 to #200, with highlights including many cross-overs with the legendary Justice Society, and special issues where new members are admitted to the team (Phantom Stranger, Elongated Man, Red Tornado, Zatanna and Firestorm in this sequence). This update of around 150 new entries skews heavily towards the #90 + range, many of which, owing to the spotty state of distribution in the 1970s and 1980s, are now hard to find in the UK. Condition tends to average VG.