American Update: Thor #390 – ‘Cap Wields Mjolnir’ issue
*Marvel: In this otherwise unremarkable issue, guest-hero Captain America (then going by the name of ‘The Captain’, prompting a lost generation to ask “Where’s Tennille?”, but I digress…) lifted and effectively deployed Thor’s hammer, Mjolnir, something which no other entity had previously done. So what, you may well ask? Well, this scene was ‘homaged’, probably inadvertently, in the recent mega-hit movie ‘Avengers: Endgame’, and since then the Interwebs has been going insane with demand for this issue. No, we don’t pretend to understand it either. But here it is, VF- p £35, so, you know, snap it up if that’s your bag. SORRY, THIS HAS NOW SOLD