American/British Update: The Weird Worlds of Edgar Rice Burroughs! Tarzan, Korak, John Carter of Mars!
*Tarzan/E R Burroughs: Possibly the world’s most popular adventure writer (and certainly one of the most prolific), Edgar Rice Burroughs created the definitive Lord of the Jungle, whose exploits spanned countless episodes in every conceivable medium – including comic books! We are pleased to have a substantial upgrade to the DC incarnation of Tarzan, illustrated by Joe Kubert and his studio, from #208 (the second DC issue) to #258 (the final DC number). We also have smaller but significant top-up to the DC Korak, Son of Tarzan (from #46, his first DC issue, onwards), Marvel’s John Carter of Mars (from #1 to #25, plus Annual #1), Gold Key’s Tarzan, and DC’s Weird worlds, which double-featured Pellucidar and John Carson of Venus. A bonus curiosity is the seldom-seen Tarzan Story Digest Magazine #1 from Gold Key in 1970. And that’s just on the other side of the Atlantic! Over here in the Old Country, Tarzan also enjoyed a thriving career in fortnightly comics from Top Sellers, from 1970 onwards, originally reprints but rapidly featuring original material, and we are pleased to welcome approximately twenty of the UK Tarzan and Korak series back into our lists.