American/British Update: Underground and Indie Classics from the UK and USA!
*Undergrounds: A dizzying variety of underground and ground-level, alternative and indie commix from the 1970’s through to the 1990’s. In the ‘classic’ underground line, we offer Arcade, Best of Rip Off Press, Cannibal Romance, Forbidden Knowledge, Mu, and inner City Romance; from the ‘ground-level’/indy zone we bring you Avenging World and Mr. A – two slices of Ditko unleashed – the Star*Reach companion book, Imagine, and two other Star*Reach spin-offs, Cody Starbuck and Parsifal; plus Hot Stuf’ the anthology with Corben, Gray Morrow, Alex Toth and more. Best represented this time, however, is the UK wing of the underground movement, with humorous erotica – Hunt Emerson’s Firkin the Cat paperback, collecting the series from Fiesta, and the lavish full-colour Oh, Wicked Wanda!, with Ron Embleton’s gorgeous painted artwork (depicted here); the classic underground paper IT, Cozmic Comics #1 from 1972, Heartbreak Hotel, and the entire ten-issue run of Pssst!with early works by Bryan Talbot, Glenn Dakin, Paul Johnson and Shaky Kane, an unnerving attempt at a British ‘bande-dessinee’ style magazine, with lots of pretention but frequent flashes of brilliance. The oddest new entry, however, is the arts magazine, Art & Artists, from 1969, one issue of which featured extensive coverage of the Underground scene, with a cover by Spain Rodruigez!