Books Update: Books About H P Lovecraft
*Books About Books: You’ll find a couple of items listed under ‘About HP Lovecraft’ added to this category this week. The first is a learned work on Cthulhu by the famous writer, editor and enthusiast Lin Carter with a complete bibliography. The second is a fasinationg record of Lovecraft’s correspondence with a teenage fan in the 1930s in a beautfully presented tome.
ABOUT H P LOVECRAFT: LIN CARTER: LOVECRAFT: A LOOK BEHIND THE CTHULHU MYTHOS Panther 1975 1st UK PB FN £15 ‘The story of the century’s greatest myth and myth-maker – the legend of dread Cthulhu’ ABOUT H P LOVECRAFT: H P LOVECRAFT AND WILLIS CONOVER: LOVECRAFT AT LAST Carollton Clark 1975 1st US HC VF £60 With DJ VF in removable archival film Large ‘coffee table’ book; profusely illustrated with facsimile documents and art. Prints the eight-month (July 1936-March 1937) correspondence between fifteen-year old Conover and forty-six year old Lovecraft (terminated at the latter’s death), with narrative continuity.