Books Update: E. R. Eddison: The Worm Ouroboros and the Zimiamvian Trilogy
*Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror: We’re big fans of Lin Carter’s Pan Ballantine Adult Fantasy series of the early 1970s. Although it included the odd turkey, it also included practically all the major works of fantasy to date at that time. It is one of those that concerns us here: E. R. Eddison’s ‘The Worm Ouroboros’ and the three volumes that followed it (collectively known as the Zimiamvian Trilogy) are great works of romantic fantasy on a grand scale. Often compared to Tolkein’s ‘Lord Of The Rings’, (they were contemporaries) Eddison’s work is nothing like Tolkein’s, apart from in its scope and realisation of fantastic kingdoms. Such noted fantasy authors as C S Lewis, James Stephens and James Branch Cabell have sung Eddison’s praises. The Worm Ouroboros stands alone, although there are obvious (though unexplained) links to the books that followed. The final volume written, The Mezentian Gate, was unfinished at the time of Eddison’s death, although the author’s synopses for the missing chapters are included. Fans of Middle-Earth, Narnia and Gormenghast looking for something else on such an epic scale, jump right in!
THE WORM OUROBOROS 4th UK PB Pan Ballantine 1975 VG £6 (Small corner crease, some foxing)
MISTRESS OF MISTRESSES UK PB 1970? Pan Ballantine VG £5 (Small corner creases)
A FISH DINNER IN MEMISON UK PB 1972 Pan Ballantine VG £5 (Small corner creases)
THE MEZENTIAN GATE UK PB 1972 Pan Ballantine GD £3.50 (Reading creases at spine, small corner creases)