Books Update: Fritz Leiber Firsts
*Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror: A whole slew (and I use the word advisedly) of Fritz Leiber first PB editions join our listings this time, in a mixture of UK and US editions spanning four decades. Leiber’s versatility is reflected in the range of books offered here, although he’s best known for swords and sorcery (thereby inspiring Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series) and horror. Leiber knew H P Lovecraft, and his ability to evoke an atmosphere of horror and threat in stories such as those about the Snakes & Spiders rivalled that of Lovecraft. This update includes four books from the Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser series: Return To Lankhmar, Swords Against Death, Swords & Deviltry and The Swords Of Lankhmar, and three collections: Night’s Black Agents, Shadows With Eyes and The Best Of Fritz Leiber. We also have five novels consisting of the comedic (The Silver Eggheads), futuristic (Gather, Darkness! and The Green Millennium), horrific (Our Lady Of Darkness) and the seminal (The Big Time).