Books Update: New Category: Book Art Books, commencing with two lavish works on Pulp Science Fiction Art
*Book Art Books: This brand new category in our Books section is devoted to books about cover (and interior) art on books in the genres we cover. Very often, the cover and art on a book can be highly celebrated and the focus of collecting for some enthusiasts. Books shown here will be lavishly illustrated and often over-sized and pay tribute to this aspect of book collecting. We start this week with two separate volumes on the subject of Science Fiction illustration in the classic pulps, both British and American. Both are replete with full colour and black and white evocative imagery.
100 YEARS OF SCIENCE FICTION ILLUSTRATION by Anthony Frewin Granada/Panther 1975 2nd UK softcover VG £6
SCIENCE FICTION ART by Brian Aldiss New English Library 1971 1st UK softcover GD £15