British Comics Update: Cowboy Comics (later Cowboy Picture Library) #11-50
*Boys’ Adventure & War Picture Libraries: Famous later, following a name change to Cowboy Picture Library, this title started out in 1950 as Cowboy Comics, originally published by Amalgamated until Fleetway took over. It lasted a very respectable 468 issues until 1962. We have almost all issues between #11-50 freshly available this week, when the title alternated between Buck Jones & Kit Carson (although I did notice Tim Holt in #20). A surprising number of cowgirls featured on many of the covers, as well as totem poles (go figure). Low grade but rarely seen, these all have taped spines with varying degrees of rust stain at the staple and migration to match, but are all complete. Grades are FA to FA/GD; prices £7-8.