British Comics Update: Spider-Mania/This Week’s #1: Spider-Man Comics Weekly
*Marvel UK: We hop across the Pond for this week’s dose of Spider-Mania, with the very first issue of Spider-Man Comics weekly from 1973, the second series from Marvel UK. The early issues of Amazing Spidey were reprinted in Mighty World Of Marvel, so the reprints in this series start with #9. Spidey’s co-star, the Mighty Thor, starts here from the very first story from Journey Into Mystery #83. This is the nicest copy of this Marvel UK key we’ve ever seen, with no creases, tears or marks; you never see this with white pages, but the slight creamy pages are, we believe, as nice as when the issue was printed. Carefully read once by the original owner and then stored away for 50 years; sadly he used the Free Gift so this is not present.