British Update: 1980s action stars – Action Force and Transformers!
*TV & Film Related Comics: Strange bedfellows, but there is a connection between them: Transformers, the heroic robots from outer space, and Action Force – the UK-retitled version of America’s GI Joe, as that last name was deemed incomprehensible to the British market – both launched from Marvel UK as reprints of the American series, but proved so popular that a great deal of UK-originated material was produced for the weeklies which was never gathered in American formats – making the UK edition of these titles a ‘holy grail’ for dedicated GI Joe groupies and… I dunno… Transfans? Furthermore, in the ‘hatch, match and despatch’ formula beloved of traditional British weeklies, Action Force, once it ran its course, was merged into transformers Weekly to form an ‘amalgam’ title, giving the two series yet another commonality. We are pleased to have around half the run of Transformers, 175 issues new in, from #6 to the very final number, #332, plus Winter and Holiday Specials. Action Force is represented by the entirety of it 50-issue run. Heroic Autobot or Evil Decepticon? GI Joe or COBRA? Pick a side!