British Update: A Girls’ miscellany, including Spellbound #2 & #3
*Girls’ Comics: Light top-ups to several popular girls’ comics series in this sweep, including 1978’s Emma (from #3), Girl series One from 1951, Girl series Two from 1987, the short-lived Hi! from 1988, Penny (1979) #2 & #3, Romeo from 1974 – a year previously unrepresented in our lists – and last but far from least Spellbound #2 & #3 from 1976. Issue #2 of Spellbound is more scarce than average in undamaged condition, as the coupon to send off for the Supercats Secret Diary was on the inside front cover, so unmutilated copies are harder to come by. This is an intact VG at £15, and issue #3 is FN £25.