British Update: A Round-Up of British Westerns
*Vintage UK/Australian Reprints of US Material: For all you cotton-pickin’ owlhoots out there (and we know who you are), here’s another round-up of geezers in big hats with the British versions of American Westerns hugely popular in the 1950’s. Dozens of new additions this time, as published by Miller, World Distributors, Strato etc. Titles include: Bill Boyd, Billy The Kid, Buck Jones, Cisco Kid, Davy Crockett Western Tales, Gabby Hayes, Gene Autry & Champion, Gunsmoke Trail, Hopalong Cassidy, Indian Chief, John Wayne, Kid Colt Outlaw, Kid Slade Gunfighter, Lone Ranger, Outlaws Of The West, Red Ryder, Rocky Lane, Roy Rogers, Television Favourites, Texas Rangers In Action, Tonto, Western Hero, Western Round-Up, Wringle Wrangle (Movie Classic) and Wyatt Earp. Check our catalogue for full details and fill yer boots!