British Update: Adventure, Hotspur, Rover and Wizard 1944 to 1947
*Boys’ Adventure & War Comics: Top-ups to the ‘Big Four’ of DC Thomson’s vintage story papers. A few Hotspur and Rover from 1946 and 1947, and larger selections from Adventure (1946-1947) and Wizard (1944-1947). Popular series from these titles include wonder-athlete ‘Wilson’, ‘The Iron Teacher’, ‘Bullwhip Hank’, ‘Savage Head of St. Jude’s’ (an evil Tarzan-clone becomes head of a boys’ boarding school – and why not?), ‘The Human Eagle’, the lads of the ‘Red Circle’, ‘The Green Crown’, ‘The Black Beam’, and the politically-insensitive natives of ‘Spadger Island’. This selection includes both Fireworks and Christmas numbers for Wizard from 1946.