British Update: Back in stock: Fleetway Picture Library Classics – Larrigan and Jet-Ace Logan
*Collected Editions: Following a sell-out success, we’re pleased to announce two classic volumes now back into stock. Rebellion, in conjunction with the Book Palace, have expanded their compilations of classic British comics to include these collections of characters from the Picture Library series, each focused on one key character. Volume 1 features Larrigan, the Western Hero Arturo Del Castillo, from Lone Rider and Cowboy Picture Libraries; to quote David Roach’s introduction, ‘Del Castillo’s Larrigan strips were dark and atmospheric, seemingly set in an eternal twilight which seemed to prefigure the Spaghetti Western genre by several years.’ Volume 2 stars science-fiction adventurer Jet-Ace Logan, a long-running feature in Comet and later Tiger, but this collection is of the specially-drawn Thriller Picture Library issues, illustrated by Ron Turner and Kurt Caesar. These smaller format hardcovers (6 1/2″ by 9″, 272 interior pages) are on white paper and reproduce the artwork to the highest possible standard. Each is brand-new at £25.