British Update: Captain Britain, Daredevils and other Marvel UK inc. Free Gift issues
*Marvel UK: New stocks of the first series of Captain Britain, in which Claremont and Trimpe gleefully trot out every American’s cliché about the UK, for some truly painful reading. A range of issues from #2 to #37 (Silver Jubilee Special!) back into stock. Plus Daredevils #2, with Moore & Davis’ rather more intelligently produced Captain Britain strip; and the debut of Hulk’s 1979 series (inc. Free Gift), with new material starring Nick Fury, Night Raven, Ant-Man and old Green Genes himself. Plus, the Complete Fantastic Four from #1 onwards with Free Gifts in #1 and #2, and early issues of Marvel UK’s flagship title, Mighty World of Marvel, from #30 upwards.