British Update: Cor! – 90 issues new to our lsitings
*Humour Comics: Launched in 1970, Cor! brought a more irreverent attitude to the traditional humour weekly, with popular strips ‘Ivor Lott and Tony Broke’, ‘Fuss Pott’, ‘Jasper the Grasper’, and cover-star ‘Gus the Gorilla’, whose weekly thwarting of some jobsworth or busybody was invariably greeted by the slogan, ‘You can’t make a monkey out of Gus!’, thereby appeasing both the biologically and politically correct. (Gorillas ain’t monkeys, kids; look it up). Token adventure series were ‘Kid Chameleon’ (orphaned child in desert raised by reptiles, who weave him a colour-changing scale-suit because of course they would) and, later, ‘Rat-Trap’, in which the eponymous rodent-faced villain, Dr. Rat, delivered a literal raspberry to the forces of good at each weekly denouement. This selection of Cor! ranges from 18th July 1970 to 1st June 1974, just a couple of issues short of the title’s final issue. Averaging Fine condition, these are generally very clean and bright copies with minimal wear.