British Update: Countdown to TV Action – includes rarer, later issues
*TV & Film Related Comics: After the demise of TV Century 21, Polystyle took over with the new series Countdown, inspired by the space race, which starred all of the old Gerry Anderson strips, plus Doctor Who and the eponymous ‘Countdown’, a brand-new space opera stylishly illustrated by John M. Burns. Highly collectible at a confluence of two major fandoms (Fanderson and Whovians), the series’ appeal is enhanced by its high production standards: glossy paper, more interior colour than was customary for the time, and script and art by some of the top talents in the field. The series shifted emphasis mid-path, becoming ‘TV Action’, with the focus switching from sci-fi to crime, and while Doctor Who remained a constant throughout, skipping only a handful of the 132 issues, straight adventure series such as ‘The Protectors’, ‘Hawaii Five-O’, and ‘Mission: Impossible’ dominated the title. After issue #100, the magazine shifted focus to one long cover-featured complete story, and these later issues are significantly less common than their predecessors. We have a range of nine Countdown issues, beginning with #2, and ten TV Action, from #100 to #130, newly added to our stocks.