British Update: Giant War Picture Library
*Boys’ Adventure & War Picture Libraries: Sadly, not tales of warring giants, as we had hoped, but giant-size versions of Fleetway’s popular War Picture Library series. Launched in 1964, these featured three complete war stories in each issue, a genuine bargain for the readers, but the oddity of their format (the same width as a traditional picture library, but slightly over twice the height) made them unpopular with newsagents, who often refused to display them. The series struggled on to issue #76, in 1965, before giving up the good fight. Their unconventional dimensions also mean that surviving copies are more prone to damage over the decades, and the entirety of this series is notoriously hard to find in any grade. We have located five copies for our inventory, the earliest being issue #10, and we don’t expect to have them in our possession for long! Consult our catalogue for grades and prices.