British Update: Marvel UK Pocketbooks – Digest-Sized Dollops of Drama and Danger!
*Marvel UK: Among the many diverse formats Marvel’s UK division experimented with in the Eighties was the ‘Pocketbook’ format – a sort of half-way house between a traditional UK picture library and an American comic book, these 8″ x 5″ mags reprinted one or two complete issues of series, rather than the smaller chunks the weeklies carved the original tales into. We have fifty of these new in, including such diverse series as Conan (with early Barry Smith opulence), Fantastic Four, Spider-Man, Titans, X-Men, Young Romance (borrowing an established DC name, but reprinting Marvel’s rather lovely titles, My Love and Our Love Story), and the oddball Star Heroes, which started out as a straight sf series, reprinting Micronauts and Battlestar Galactica, but took an abrupt turn left with issue #10 and began replaying the original X-Men from #1!