British Update: Mighty World of Marvel early issues, Spider-Man & Zoids & more!
*Marvel UK: Marvel’s UK division is refreshed from its earliest days this week, with Mighty World of Marvel #1-5 back in stock! These issues from 1972 introduced the classic Marvel heroes to an entire generation of readers, and are fondly remembered these days. In above-average condition for their vintage, the sport new covers by John Buscema (issue #1) and a fledgling Jim Starlin (#2-5), and all have the notoriously difficult cut-out coupons firmly in place! Moving up to Marvel UK’s latter days, we also have a selection Spider-Man and Zoids from issue #2. These are sought after because of the new-material strips starring the characters from the toy franchise. In addition, we have smaller additions to Chiller Pocket Book, The Daredevils (with Alan Moore & Alan Davis’ Captain Britain), Complete Fantastic Four, Spider-Man Comics Weekly, and Rampage Weekly. Full details in our catalogue.