British Update: Schoolgirls’ Picture Library inc #1 plus a Dash of Schoolgirls’ Own
*Girls’ Picture Libraries: In excess of 50 copies, ranging between #1 to #319, a cavalcade of light adventure and comedy from a myriad of schoolgirl protagonists; the Schoolgirls’ Picture Library launched in 1957 with ‘Leader of the Secret Avengers’, (no relation to Captain America and company), and hung up its hockey sticks in 1965 with #327, though it didn’t die so much as metamorphose into June and School Friend Picture Library, which took up the numbering. These, however, are all Schoolgirls’ PL’s, starring Mimi the Mesmerist, Jacey (aka Miss Adventure), Aunt Jemima, Space-Girl Zenda and many more. This selection is generally higher than average grades, with the early issues being held back only by rusty staples, which cause slight discolouration at the spine, and most of the later numbers averaging Fine, gleaming and glossy with vibrant cover colours. As a bonus, we have a smattering of Schoolgirls’ ancestress, Schoolgirls’ Own Library, which are text stories often of recurring characters, including an early tale of plucky Resistance fighter Mam’selle X! Pictured are Schoolgirls’ Picture Library #1 (GD/VG £50), and a selection of later numbers – #176 FN £15, #178 FN £15, #220 VG £8, and #284 FN £10. Price and grade details on everything, of course, in our online catalogue.