British Update: Starblazer: Sci-Fi Picture Libraries including early Grant Morrison work
*Boys’ Adventure & War Picture Libraries: In 1979, in the wake of Star Wars and other sci-fi cinematic successes, DC Thomson launched Starblazer, a series of digest-sized, done-in-one SF stories, fast-paced thrillers heavy on the action and light on more than the most superficial characterisation, though as the series progressed, the creators were allowed to vary the formula quite a bit. Of interest to comics historians is the fact that this series saw some of the earliest work by later-acclaimed scripter Grant Morrison – though these were considerably more coherent and linear than his later works are known for being! Morrison scripts in this new influx are issues #127, #167, #177 and #209. We have more than 100 issues new to out listings, from the second issue in 1979 to the antepenultimate number, #279 in 1991.