British Update: Super DC 1969
*Boys’ Adventure & War Comics: In 1969, in response to Power Comics’ repackaging of Marvel reprints, an attempt was made to similarly anthologize the DC characters, in the monthly, “Super DC”. Featuring Superman, Batman, Superboy, Jimmy Olsen, Lois Lane and Batman in every issue, it presented a random selection of stories ranging from a couple of years old to fifteen years old, in no particular sequence, and the covers were mostly supplied by the Mick Anglo studio, who amalgamated swipes from wildly different artists, so that you would see a Schaffenberger Superman with a Novick Batman, or an Adams Batman with a Bob Kane Batwoman, in a bizarre clash of mismatched styles. This oddball concoction only lasted 14 monthly issues – after which, presumably to maintain copyright, it became the American series, “Super DC Giant” – and was a calamitous failure at the time, but is now sought after by folks of a certain generation nostalgic for inexplicable experiments! We have the first ten issues in of the UK Super DC, and they must be seen to be disbelieved.