British Update: The Creepy Worlds of Alan Class! 50+ copies added, from #58 to #249
*Alan Class Reprints: The Alan Class line of reprints is well-loved and well-remembered by a generation of British comics readers, and we’re pleased to be able to add in substantial selections from most of Alan’s ‘Big 6’ titles. This week we look at Creepy Worlds – which, released simultaneously with Secrets of the Unknown, was the joint first AC release. This week, we add 55 issues to our CW listing, the vast majority of which are not already in our inventory. From the Alan Class Private Collection, we have copies of his file copies with Certificates of Authenticity signed by Alan himself, including two ‘Marvelous’ issues featuring reprints of Silver Age Spider-Man and Avengers issues; and new into our ‘general population’ are numbers ranging from #139 to the final issue, #249, plus one of the un-numbered ‘S’ Specials. The eclectic nature of the reprint schedule means that you’re likely to find Marvel, Charlton or Archie/Mighty super-heroes nestling next to pre-hero Marvel classics by Kirby & Ditko, ACG mystery tales, or a selection of even older and more bizarre material. You never can tell what you’re going to find – though we do have our ‘Rough Guide to Alan Class’ in our Extras section to help you along a little, and, as you might expect, we’ve updated it with new data from this influx of stock!