British Update: The Last Round-Up for CSD Putney Westerns: Pecos Bill, Lone Rider, Silhouette Western, many more!
*Boys’ Adventure & War Picture Libraries: It’s the final selection of Westerns from our CSD: Putney event as we saddle up with a whole posse of popular Picture Libraries embracing the Wild West mythology – Micron’s Cowboy Adventure Library #5 and Western Adventure Library from #16 to #33, World Distributors’ Picture Story Pocket Western, featuring heroes such as Tim Holt and Wyatt Earp, a whole parcel of Pecos Bill from 1963’s issue #4 through to #25, the Australian-distributed Silhouette Western Library ranging from #2 to #14, and Fleetway’s Wild West Picture Library and Lone Rider PL #2 (pictured) from 1961. Although that completes our CSD Putney pure Westerns, there will still be more Western adventures to come in this event where they are part of a more generic title, such as Top Three, Thriller PL or Valiant PL, all in the near future.