British Update: Valiant 1967
*Boys’ Adventure & War Comics: By 1967, the popular and long-running features in Valiant had reached such a stability that you could reel off, end to end, what you’d get in any given issue: Captain Hurricane, the Nutts, Kelly’s Eye, Legge’s Eleven, House of Dolmann, Steel Claw, Jason Hyde, Mytek the Mighty, the Crows, Billy Bunter, and Wild Wonders, substantially unchanged from New Years’ to Christmas! This stability didn’t leave much ‘proving ground’ for new strips, and the handful that debuted in 1967 didn’t make much of an impression. There was, however, one amusing development in one of the veterans. In March 1967, the Steel Claw, under the ‘fluence of the Batman TV show, went public as a bona-fide super-hero: skintight costume, mask, teenage sidekick and all! This move must have been unpopular with the readers, though, as by year’s end, the Claw was back to adventuring in mufti, his flirtation with metal-mesh tights never alluded to again. We have forty issues from this year new in stock, mostly in very affordable mid-low grades, but all complete, and two-thirds of them filling previously empty gaps in our inventory, particularly in the second half of the year. With this update we take a brief sojourn from our Valiant progressive listings, but we’ll be back with 1968 onwards as soon as time allows!