What’s Old: Showcase #10 2nd solo Lois Lane
This week’s spotlight on previously listed stock falls on a pre-UK distribution issue of DC’s try-out title Showcase, specifically #10 when DC were trialling Superman’s Girl Friend, Lois Lane, for her own book. This issue features three dramatic stories with art by classic Superman artist Wayne Boring and was obviously successful, since there were no further Showcase issues for Lois, who debuted in her own solo title shortly after (although with Superman always around, can it be said Lois had a solo title?). This copy is in nice condition, flat with tight staples and just tanning at page and inside cover edges. There is a faint diagonal crease at the top right corner over the Comics Code Authority stamp and just a suggestion that either end of that crease might have had the most minor of colour touches, taken into account with the VG+ grading; priced at £275.