What’s Old: Very High Grade Journey Into Mystery with Thor
A couple of years or so ago we had in a very high grade complete Silver Age run of Thor from Journey Into Mystery #83 upwards. Most of these, including the first appearance in JIM #83 are now long sold, but we’d like to draw your attention to the few that are left. Left: JIM #88 VF+ £625; Right: #92 VF+ £350, #93 VF/NM £540; Left to right below: #95 VF+ £400, #97 VF+ £390, #99 VF/NM £380, #100 VF+ £265, #109 VF/NM £485. Plus there are a handful of other early issues at better than VF as well. Thor fans (and we know there are huge amounts of you out there) may never get another chance to own such lovely, superior copies.