American Comics Update: The Good Doctor Collection: Mighty Marvel Firsts: Debut of Alpha Flight in X-Men #120/121
*Marvel: Never distributed in the UK (and causing a calamitous and expensive gap in many collections), X-Men #121 featured the full debut of Wolverine’s old battling buddies Alpha Flight, Canada’s own super-hero team. Snowbird, Sasquatch, Northstar and company were all destined for longer lives and greater notoriety in the Marvel Universe at large, including several series of their own mag, but here’s where it all kicked off, as artist and co-plotter John Byrne brought his own characters into the franchise! From the Good Doctor Collection, not only do we have X-Men #121, the first ‘Full Flight’, as it were, but also #120, in which readers were ‘teased’ with captivating cameos before the unveiling in #121!
#120 VF p £100 Glossy and very nice; just a few spine ticks, one narrowly breaking colour. Minor reading wear.
#121 VF+ p £135 Glossy, brilliant white cover; just extremely minor handling wear. SOLD