American Update: A Dozen Dynamic Debuts – Marvel #1’s!
*Marvel: Another in our highly-anticipated and well-received selections of Marvel premier issues! This week we span the years from 1968 to 1980. Kirby Kraziness with the Black Panther and 2001, A Space Odyssey; liberated ladies Red Sonja and Spider-Woman; media mayhem with Star Trek, and Battlestar Galactica; toy tie-ins Rom, Micronauts and Shogun Warriors; mighty-thewed barbarianism with King Conan; the multi-faceted Moon Knight, with acclaimed work by Moench and Sienkievicz and the Silver Age solo debut of the Sub-Mariner – the latter in admittedly fairly ropey condition, but all there! A selection of these lovelies is displayed below; for grading and prices, as always, visit our captivating online catalogue.