American Update: Astonishing Tales with complete Deathlok & Guardians Of the Galaxy reprint
*Marvel: New in – a complete run of the first series of Deathlok, in the 1970’s series of series of Astonishing Tales! Set in the far-flung future of 1990 (ahem), tragically maimed Luther Manning becomes a cyborg super-soldier and sets out on a path of revenge and redemption, as told by Doug Moench and Rich Buckler. (I know; it just keeps getting better and better, doesn’t it?) However, interest has revived in the character as a result of his incorporation into the TV show Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD, as well as some rumoured media spin-offs, so canny folks wanting to invest in his earliest appearances, from AT #’s 25-36 – now’s the time! As a bonus, his first appearance in AT#25 also features George Perez’s professional art debut. And as a special bonus, we’re also including a low grade copy of AT #29 (from the middle of this run) which has no Deathlok, but reprints the 1st Guardians of the Galaxy story from Marvel Super-Heroes #18.