American Update: Big Panty Monsters Pop In For A Visit: Tales of Suspense and Tales to Astonish Restocked
*Marvel: Not quite enough for a proper ‘Return Of…’, but nevertheless we have a few of the pre-hero Marvel series with unfeasibly enlarged antagonists plotting to conquer the world, only to be discouraged by plucky scientists – a trope which made Marvel a mint before the Fantastic Four went up in their rocketship! Tales of Suspense #22 (VG £60 pictured) brings us Bruttu. Tales to Astonish #20 (GD+ £44) offers us X – The Thing That Lived! And Tales to Astonish #33 (VG+ p £56 pictured) varies the theme by having normal-sized and fully-clad alien monsters – but loads of ’em – in ‘Dead Storage!’