American Update: Cable….And Deadpool! (Not “Cable & Deadpool” – That’s A Different Series!)
*Marvel: Early appearances new in stock for two of Marvel’s more recent breakout characters. The first full appearance of Cable, the back-from-the-future warrior, was in New Mutants #87, and he shortly thereafter took over the leadership of the team and starring role in the series. We have both the first and second printings of this significant issue in stock, the first printing being a Pence copy in VF at £50, and the second a NM cents copy at £10. Cable also escorted the New Mutants through their transition into the X-Force, and we also have new stock of X-Force #1. Deadpool is represented not only by his second-ever appearance in X-Force #2, but also by his first solo issue, the Circle Chase mini-series #1, and the 50th issue of his first ongoing series! Cable and Deadpool prices are of course spiralling upwards owing to the recent Ryan Reynolds Deadpool movie smash (with Cable lined up for Deadpool II), so swift selection is recommended! SORRY, NEW MUTANTS #87 (BOTH PRINTS) NOW SOLD