American Update: Catalogue expansion: Avengers Assemble! – up to #300
*Marvel: You seem to like our catalogue expansions — increasing the range of classic titles into our catalogue and our ground floor boxes. This time it’s the turn of the Avengers, now extended up to #300 (1989). If, like us, you’re bemused and bewildered by the sheer number of Avengers titles these days, and the constant relaunches, so you can’t tell which series is which, return with us to the days of good, old-fashioned storytelling and proper continuity, when the quality of story and art afforded a good read, as in these classic tales — most issues cheaper than a new comic! Pictured: our favourite cover from this time: #223 (Taskmaster app) VF/NM £15. SORRY, AVENGERS #223 NOW SOLD