American Update: Catalogue Expansion – The Sensational She-Hulk! (1989)
*Marvel: Can we tell you something? We love the She-Hulk here at 30th Century, we do. Not so much the first series, where, despite brave attempts, she generally came across as a pale imitation of her more famous cousin, but when John Byrne brought back her own series (after successfully rehabilitating the character in Fantastic Four) Jen was a smart, savvy lady who knew that she was a comic-book character and shamelessly exploited the tropes of the medium, breaking the ‘Fourth Wall’ on a regular basis, and reviving the most bizarre and outlandish elements from the Marvel Universe – Razorback, the Toad Men, the Blonde Phantom, Xemnu – in a fanboy’s delight, all the while establishing Jen Walters as a tough, witty and compassionate character with much more going on than her big green physique. We’re delighted to add the second series of Shulkie to our lists, with issues between #2 and #50 catalogued for your delectation.