American Update: Dawn of the X-Women!
*Marvel: A duet of debuts for the distaff side of Marvel’s Misunderstood Mutants; in X-Men issue #101, Jean Grey, the former Marvel Girl, got her telepathic talents turned up to 11 when a bombardment of cosmic rays altered her into the cosmic entity known as Phoenix! Except for a while when she wasn’t Phoenix, and Phoenix was a star-force that thought it was Jean. And then it was Jean again all along. We’ve lost track of where the current continuity has the Phoenix, but wherever she is, her first appearance is here! To accompany this, we also have issue #129, with the twin premieres of the dark and the light of the X-Women: Kitty Pryde, the dematerializing damsel who was Shadowcat, Ariel, and is currently Star-Lord (don’t ask), and the majestic mental marvel, Emma Frost, intermittently known as the White Queen of the Hellfire Club. Issue #101 is FNp at £45, #129 is also FNp at £25.