American Update: Dazzler & the Human Fly
*Marvel: Well, colour me crazy, but I never thought I’d be writing that it’s time in our spotlight for Dazzler & the Human Fly, but these once fringe 70’s and 80’s short run titles are really coming into their own now popularity-wise and we’re delighted to feature them here. The disco diva mutant Dazzler first appeared in the Uncanny X-Men, but went on to a very respectable run of 41 issues of her own series, where she did all sorts of tricks with light (and roller skates!) and encountered both the good and bad denizens of the Marvel Universe; we have the first 5 issues in NM back into stock. The Human Fly was ‘The Wildest Super-Hero Ever — Because He’s Real!” as his covers proclaimed. Based on a real-life stunt-man (allegedly), he lasted 19 issues and guest-starred such Marvel Universe stalwarts as Spider-Man, Daredevil & the Ghost Rider; a complete high grade run of all 19 issues just in! A good time to buy before they announce a movie, I bet!